Genuine Baltic Amber Teething Necklace
Give your little one natural relief from the pain and inflammation associated with teething!
Baltic Amber Information
Genuine Baltic Amber has been used for thousands of years to ease common ailments, pain, and inflammation. When worn, the beads act as a natural remedy to help with the pain and inflammation associated with teething. They also help alleviate the symptoms of colic, gas, and anxiety in children. Your child will not chew on or play with these beads. They are meant to be worn up against the skin only.
Color/ Design Options
Please note, there has not been any evidence showing a difference in effectiveness based on the finish, color, or shape of Baltic Amber beads.
Tap the picture for the color/ design name. Choose that option from the drop-down menu to order. Because Baltic amber is a natural fossilized resin, each necklace will have unique variances than what is depicted in the photos. Additionally, the necklace you receive might have a different color thread or clasp that still matches the overall design of the necklace.
Necklace Information
Each necklace measures approximately 12 to 12.5" end to end. They are strung on a matching thread with knots between each bead. All necklaces are finished with a plastic screw clasp to match overall color/ design.
Care Instructions
Proper care of the Baltic Amber will result in long-lasting benefits for your child. Remove prior to bath or swim times as exposure to soaps, detergents, and other chemicals can clog the pores. For general maintenance, place in direct sunlight for about an hour at least once a month. If the necklace requires cleaning, you can rinse in warm water and lay in direct sunlight to dry. If deeper cleaning is required, soak in warm salt water for five minutes, rinse thoroughly, and lay in direct sunlight to dry. Do not wash in the dishwasher, washing machine, or submerge in soapy water.
Safety Instructions
This necklace is intended for use UNDER DIRECT ADULT SUPERVISION. Do not allow a child to play with or chew on beads. Beads are NOT meant to be chewed on; only direct contact with skin is required for the amber to work. Do not leave in crib, car seat, stroller, or within child’s reach while unattended or asleep. Remove prior to nap or sleep times.
Please note, although this necklace is strung on a strong, silk thread, repeated pulling on the necklace, by your child or someone else, will cause the thread to be pulled apart from the clasp. It is evident this has occurred because the spacing between the last knot and the end of the clasp becomes longer over time. As such, we advise you to ensure your child is NOT pulling on or playing with the necklace whether it is being worn or not. Once the thread has been pulled completely from the clasp, the entire necklace will have to be restrung in order for the necklace to be worn again safely. We do not recommend allowing your child to wear a broken necklace as this can lead to strangulation hazards. If the threading has been pulled from the clasp on either side, we are able to repair the necklace for you. Our repairs start at $16, plus return shipping costs. Just like with any piece of jewelry, we recommend you maintain and care for the piece to prevent any damages/ cracking to the beads or tearing of the silk thread from the clasp. Again, we are not responsible for any damage to the necklace once you have received it.
Please review the processing + shipping policies prior to placing your order.