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Introducing our new Labor + Birth Gemstone Bracelet

labor & birth postpartum pregnancy

The birth of my daughter really brought forth this incredible emotional strength and empowerment that I never experienced with my son. I feel so blessed I was able to have her MY way, and the way MY body intended. That day was so amazing... I'm still working on a blog post for that...

Evelyn Birth Photo Brittany Brooks PhotographyPhoto by Brittany Brooks Photography
at the San Antonio Birth Center

Right after I had Evelyn, I thought back to my experience and had an urging to want to share that positive energy with others. I stumbled across an article on Unakite (the "childbearing" gemstone), and I fell into this rabbit hole of gemstones, crystal energy, natural birth, lunar cycles, etc. etc. I felt called to create a natural gemstone bracelet that can help aid other mothers in their birthing journey, whether it be a vaginal birth or belly birth. No matter how we birth our babies, our body and mind rely on more than just any physical strength we can conjure up. It requires emotional and physical support, positive energy, light, and love.

This natural gemstone bracelet was created for pregnant moms for wearing during the end of pregnancy and throughout labor and delivery. Each gemstone provides mama with calmness, strength, positive vibes, and more benefits to help with bringing their new baby earthside.

I spent months developing this bracelet, and hope that each mama finds strength and harmony while wearing. When wearing gemstone jewelry, ensure proper maintenance is given, by reading our latest blog post.

Labor Birth Natural Birth Gemstone Bracelet

This bracelet is made up of six natural gemstones with Tibetian spacers.

Rose Quartz provides emotional balance, security, and peace. It is a protective gemstone. It allows mama to connect deeply with herself and her baby.

Picture Jasper protects against pain during labor and childbirth and alleviates fears for mama and her support team. 

Chrysocolla (the “goddess” gemstone) eliminates fear, brings peace to the mind and heart, reduces mental tension, and alleviates some pain during labor and childbirth. 

Amethyst offers protection and stability. It helps to relieve physical and emotional pain. It allows the wearer to have a connection with herself.

Lapis Lazuli (the “spiritual queen” gemstone) enhances intuition. It releases stress and brings harmony. It also reduces physical stresses and pain. It was once crushed and given as an elixir to women during childbirth in the 17th century. 

Unakite (the “childbearing” gemstone) facilitates labor. It is worn by many midwives and doulas as they support mamas during labor and childbirth.

Gemstone Crystal Healing

There are a lot of gemstones that are multi-purpose, and a lot of other gemstones that help with labor and delivery. I chose these specific six for a purpose and wanted to ensure I created harmony and balance. I hope you enjoy this bracelet as much as I enjoyed making it.

Find it here.

Sending you peace and love on your birthing journey,


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