News — personal blog
The Birth of Evie
birth birth story personal blog postpartum pregnancy
Well… here it is. I’ve tried to start writing this blog about 365 times, give or take. Every single day I think about Evelyn’s birth and the events leading up to it. I think about all the false labor, the random pains (e.g. “lightning crotch” - enough said), how miserable I was that last week of pregnancy. Now that I’m on the other side of her first year earthside, all I want to remember is this: I. DID. IT. I set my mind to something and I did it. Not because I wanted to say I did it, but because...
Cheers, "Baby Valentine"
miscarriage personal blog pregnancy
Well, the cat’s out of the bag, or will be soon? If you’ve seen me recently, you may have parted our meeting with your head cocked, wondering, “hmm, she looks different.” And yes, I am different. My body is different, my mood is very different, I am pregnant. Wait… hold on, let me try that again… I AM PREGNANT!!!! Right? Aren’t you supposed to be screaming from the rooftops? This past December I WAS screaming it from the rooftops. I had this obnoxious, goofy grin on my face all day and couldn’t stop smiling when people asked if we would...